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What is a school without its tutors?

We have a team of professionals, all of whom have been personally interviewed and selected by us to ensure that, as well as being qualified and experienced, they are personable, friendly and able to quickly establish a rapport with their students. All our tutors are native Italian speakers and are enthusiastic about teaching their mother tongue!

We are always in regular contact with our tutors starting at the inception of each course where the tutors' lesson plans are discussed and agreed upon. During each course we regularly liaise with them, and on occasion attend individual lessons, to ensure the course is running smoothly.

We do recommend set textbooks for our tutors, but they also have professional freedom to select and design their course content, subject to the initial lesson plan agreement. As they are the ones "on the ground" this allows them to better tailor the course content to the capabilities and requirements of each group or individual.

We like to think this provides our students with a better course than would otherwise be the case.

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