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  Click here for more course information

The following are courses we have scheduled for the new/current term.
If the days and times do not suit you, please contact us as we may be able to offer alternatives
Current courses marked may have a place available. Please contact us.
Day Time of day Time Start date Price Venue BOOK
Beginner 1
Tuesday Evening 18:45-20:45 11 Feb 2025 £209.00 (7 weeks)
2 hours per lesson
MHS Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 07 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
MHS Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 08 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
OS Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 08 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
Wednesday Evening 19:00-20:30 09 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
MHS Book
Saturday Afternoon 12:30-14:30 19 Apr 2025 £209.00 (7 weeks)
2 hours per lesson
OS Book
Beginner 1+
Saturday Afternoon 12:30-14:30 15 Feb 2025 £89.00 (3 weeks)
2 hours per lesson
OS Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 17 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) MHS Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 17 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 18 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) OS Book
Wednesday Evening 19:00-20:30 19 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) MHS Book
Beginner 2
Saturday Afternoon 12:00-14:20 08 Mar 2025 £209.00 (6 weeks)
2hrs 20 mins per lesson
OS Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 07 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
MHS Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 07 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 08 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
MHS Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 08 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
OS Book
Wednesday Evening 19:00-20:30 09 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
MHS Book
Beginner 2+
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 25 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) OS Book
Beginner 3
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
MHS Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 15 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
OS Book
Beginner 3+
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) MHS Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
MHS=Marylebone High Street     OS=Oxford Street
  Click here for more course information

The following are courses we have scheduled for the new/current term.
If the days and times do not suit you, please contact us as we may be able to offer alternatives
Current courses marked may have a place available. Please contact us.
Day Time of day Time Start date Price Venue BOOK
Intermediate 1
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
MHS Book
Intermediate 1+
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 25 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) OS Book
Wednesday Evening 19:00-20:30 26 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) MHS Book
Intermediate 2
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 15 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
OS Book
Wednesday Evening 19:00-20:30 16 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
MHS Book
Intermediate 2+
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Intermediate 3
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
Intermediate 3+
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 25 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) OS Book
MHS=Marylebone High Street     OS=Oxford Street
  Click here for more course information

The following are courses we have scheduled for the new/current term.
If the days and times do not suit you, please contact us as we may be able to offer alternatives
Current courses marked may have a place available. Please contact us.
Day Time of day Time Start date Price Venue BOOK
Pre Advanced 1
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 15 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
OS Book
Pre Advanced 2+
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) MHS Book
Pre Advanced 3
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
MHS Book
Pre Advanced 3+
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 24 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Advanced 1
Monday Evening 19:00-20:30 14 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
No lessons 21 Apr & 5 May Bank Holidays
Advanced 1+
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 25 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) MHS Book
Advanced 2
Tuesday Morning 10:15-11:45 25 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 25 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) MHS Book
Wednesday Evening 19:00-20:30 26 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) ONLINE Book
Thursday Evening 18:30-20:00 27 Feb 2025 £115.00 (5 weeks) OS Book
Tuesday Morning 10:30-12:00 15 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
Tuesday Evening 19:00-20:30 15 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
MHS Book
Wednesday Evening 19:00-20:30 16 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
Thursday Evening 19:00-20:30 17 Apr 2025 £209.00 (10 weeks) or
£115.00 (1st 5 weeks)
OS Book
MHS=Marylebone High Street     OS=Oxford Street

Ideal before going to Italy or for preparation to exams, they can be organised as 1 week long or more, subject to minimun nunber/on demand.

Intensive 4 day DAYTIME course (face-to-face)
Courses: 4 days in total (12 hours)
Monday to Thursday 10:30-13:30 
Level: All levels, subject to a minimum of students at any given level

7-10 April

Course Fee: £245
Venue: Marylebone High Street or Oxford Street
Book Intensive 4 day August Daytime course (morning) 7-10 April 2025
2-week (minimum) Flexible Intensive weekday course (Online/F2F/Hybrid)
+ private online tuition

Excluding the Absolute Beginner level, the structure of these courses involves a combination of 1.5-hour regular group sessions during the week and online private lessons. Also ideal, but not only, for CILS students who want to fast-track and become more confident with the general CEFR content required for the CILS exams, at any level.

Level: All levels, subject to a minimum of students at any given level

w/c 27 January, rolling enrolment every Monday till week/c 24 March

Course Fee: Quote on demand
Venue: Marylebone High Street or Oxford Street
Please contact us for further information.

Book Club

What is the Book Club about?
A perfect way to read (naturally!), converse, and improve your Italian overall, the Book Club will be dedicated to Italian literature. The Club will discuss the most interesting and famous Italian authors and their works, from classics to modern and contemporary books. Each session will deal with a different writer/period, and excerpts, or the entire book, will be read in advance. There will also be activities to improve on your vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills.

What is the session about?
This Book Club session will be dedicated to "Oliva Denaro" by Viola Ardone. Set in Sicily in the 1960s, this novel explores the struggles of a young woman who dares to challenge societal expectations and the injustice of marriage laws at the time. Inspired by real events, the story follows Oliva, a girl who dreams of freedom but finds herself trapped in a world where honor dictates a woman's fate. Through her journey, the novel addresses themes of gender inequality, personal courage, and the fight for self-determination.

What will we cover?

Vista la recente uscita del film Netflix “Il treno dei bambini”, gi{ studiato insieme e tratto dall’omonimo romanzo della stessa scrittrice, l’incontro sarà dedicato al romanzo Oliva Denaro di Viola Ardone, una storia intensa e toccante ispirata a vicende reali. Ambientato nella Sicilia degli anni ’60, il libro segue la protagonista, Oliva, una giovane che si ribella alle regole imposte dalla società e alla pratica del matrimonio riparatore. La sua battaglia per la libertà e l’autodeterminazione diventa il simbolo di un cambiamento storico nella condizione femminile in Italia. Attraverso lo stile evocativo di Viola Ardone, il romanzo affronta temi come l'onore, la famiglia e il ruolo della donna, offrendo spunti di riflessione sul passato e sulle conquiste sociali raggiunte nel tempo. La lettura di alcuni estratti selezionati guiderà la discussione su questi argomenti, incoraggiando un confronto sulla loro attualità e rilevanza.

What level is the course and do I need any particular skills?
The Book Club is entirely in Italian and you should have an intermediate/advanced knowledge of Italian.

Dates & Time
(bimonthly, last Sunday): February, April, June, September, November

£26 (1½ hours)

Book Book Club 27 April 2025, 15:30 - 17:00

Italian through Art

This workshop seeks to offer the opportunity to improve knowledge of Italian Art and language (if you know or study Italian) through art and visual stimuli and bespoke didactic material. The workshop is suitable to everybody as it will be given both in Italian and in English.

Dates: (bimonthly, second Sunday): April, June 15, September, November 

Next date: 13th April 2025 10:00-11:30

I Giardini dell’Antichità This workshop will analyse the evolution of the garden in the ancient world, particularly in Rome: gardens were considered places of leisure and peace, and their representation was not only a beautiful sight but could improve intellectual and spiritual development or even reflect the glory of the emperor.

Level: For all levels. Students will be grouped according to their knowledge of Italian. The workshop will be given both in Italian and English.

Fee: £26

Book Art Workshop 13 April 2025

NEW: 5 Lessons of Italian History of Art (Online)

Join our weekly workshop and enhance your understanding of Italian History of Art and language through visual stimuli and bespoke didactic material. This five-week course is suitable for everyone and will be conducted in both Italian and English, making it accessible to all participants. Whether you're an art enthusiast or a language learner, this five-session workshop offers a unique opportunity to deepen your appreciation of Italian art and culture.

Arte Etrusca: Explore the rich and mysterious world of Etruscan art, its origins, and its influence on later Italian culture.
Arte Romana I: Delve into the grandeur of early Roman art, from Republic to Empire, examining iconic works and architectural marvels.
Arte Romana II: Continue the journey through Roman art, focusing on the later periods and the integration of various cultural influences.
Arte Paleocristiana: Discover the early Christian art that emerged as a new religious identity formed, with its unique symbols and styles.
Arte Bizantina: Experience the splendour of Byzantine art, known for its intricate mosaics, religious iconography, and lasting impact on the Italian artistic heritage.

Dates: Saturdays 1 - 29 March
Time: 10:00-11:30

Level: For all levels. Students will be grouped according to their knowledge of Italian. The workshop will be given both in Italian and English.

Fee: £130

Book History of Art 1-29 March 2025

Italian Cinema Club (online)

The Italian Club invites you to familiarise with the main historical, cultural and social aspects of Italian filmmaking by looking at the work of some of its most influential authors/actors/directors.

Dates (bimonthly, third Saturday): March, May, July, October

Next date: 15th March 2025 11:45-12:45

What is the session about?
This Film Club session will focus on La grande bellezza by Paolo Sorrentino, a visually stunning and deeply reflective film that explores the decadence and contradictions of contemporary Rome. Following Jep Gambardella, an aging writer navigating a world of excess, nostalgia, and lost opportunities, the film is both a critique and a celebration of beauty, art, and existential disillusionment. With its rich cinematography, philosophical dialogues, and references to Italian culture, La grande bellezza offers an immersive experience into the contradictions of modern life.

What will we cover?
L’incontro sarà dedicato al film La grande bellezza di Paolo Sorrentino, vincitore dell’Oscar come Miglior Film Straniero nel 2014. Attraverso il viaggio del protagonista, Jep Gambardella, il film dipinge un ritratto poetico e malinconico di Roma e della sua élite culturale, esplorando il tema della bellezza, della decadenza e della ricerca di significato.
Discuteremo le scene più emblematiche, lo stile visivo di Sorrentino e i riferimenti alla tradizione cinematografica italiana, con particolare attenzione ai parallelismi con La dolce vita di Fellini. Analizzeremo anche i temi centrali del film, come il tempo, la memoria e il ruolo dell’arte nella società contemporanea, confrontandoci su come questi elementi risuonino nella nostra esperienza personale.

Fee:  £21

Book Cinema Club 15 March 2025 11:45-12:45

Italian on Foot (face-to-face conversation session)

Practise your Italian in the most natural way possible. 40 minutes of this 1 hour session will be spent talking in Italian with your teacher, whilst you stop in front of shops, parks and gardens (according to where the tour takes place) and of course at an Italian bar where you will carry on conversing over a coffee and recap all what you have learnt without effort with your specialised tutor. What better than this? Small groups or individually (all levels, apart from absolute Beginners).

Dates (once a term): 5 April, 5 July 2025
Time: 11:00-12:00

Level: For all levels except absolute Beginners

Fee: £24 (in small groups) or ask for individual fees.

Please contact us for more information.

Breaking News!

Unlock the power of discussing current events in Italian! This exciting course is your gateway to enhancing your vocabulary, refining your listening and speaking skills, and staying abreast of Italian affairs.

In our Breaking News Conversation Classes, you will:

  • Broaden Your Vocabulary: Explore the latest headlines, political developments, cultural trends, and more. You'll learn essential vocabulary and phrases for discussing diverse topics.
  • Sharpen Your Listening Skills: Engage in live discussions and analyse real-time news broadcasts. Improve your comprehension and become a more attentive listener.
  • Hone Your Speaking Skills: Participate actively in thought-provoking conversations. Practice articulating your thoughts and opinions in Italian, boosting your confidence in speaking.
  • Stay Updated with Italian Affairs: Gain a deep understanding of Italy's current events and culture. Be well-informed and ready to converse about contemporary topics.
Don't miss this opportunity to take your Italian language skills to the next level while staying connected to the dynamic world of Italian affairs. Join us for our Breaking News Conversation Classes, where learning and current events converge seamlessly!

Level: For Intermediate level upwards

Fee: £21 (per session)

Book Breaking News Sunday 9 Feb 2025 09:30-10:30
Book Breaking News Sunday 16 Feb 2025 09:30-10:30
Book Breaking News Sunday 23 Feb 2025 09:30-10:30

Simply conversation! - Online and F2F

Our students love these sessions!

Our conversation workshops are super to improve, learn and consolidate your Italian with a difference. Perfect to refresh and "let your Italian go", these workshops are very useful to enlarge your vocabulary, deal with social situations more confidently, and complement any Italian lessons. Through specific stimuli and activities you will be encouraged to practise your conversation and pronunciation in Italian, and speak more fluently. Available on several days of the week online and F2F, intensive, sem-iintensive or regular, to spoil you with choice and leave you with no excuse that you
are busy that day!!

Different levels on different days of the week can be combined, if you want to practise more. A different topic is dealt in each session.

Fee (per session) : £26

2025 Dates: from w/c 31 March & 07 April

Time: TBC
Level:  For all levels, from Beginner 1+ onward
Fee (3 sessions of 1.5 hours each): £78

Please contact us for more information.

Grammar Workshop

If you feel you could benefit from concentrating on Italian grammar, this course can put the finishing touches to your spoken and written skills. Learn how to avoid errors, and raise your overall level of communication. This is a great opportunity to firm up on your Italian grammar and consolidate your Italian language studies!

What will be covered?
In 1½ hours, we will try to cover the main topics of the grammar for your level, troubleshooting the most tricky areas and errors. Can we succeed in this heroic adventure? Come and find out!

NOTE: You are welcome to take more than one level on the same day.

Beginner 1+, 10:00-11:30
Agreement adjectives & nouns, definitive articles singular & plural, regular & irregular verbs.

Beginner 2 & 3, 12:00-13:30
Passato prossimo (present perfect), reflexives verbs. Regular and irregular verbs.

Advanced 1 & 2, 12:30-14:00
Dislocazione a destra e a sinistra dei pronomi.

Intermediate 1, 2, & 3, 13:30-15:00
Imperfect vs. Present Perfect.

Pre-Advanced 1, 2, & 3, 15:00-16:30
Prepositions with verbs and nouns

2 March

Level: For all levels
Fee for an individual session: £26

Please contact us for more information

Italian Through the Cities in Italy (online)

If you can't travel to Italy, we'll bring Italy to you. Whether you're eager to explore a region you plan to visit in the future or deepen your knowledge of your favourite Italian cities, this class is the perfect choice. Let's explore the life, food, curiosities, traditions, culture, and history of the Italian cities (known and unknown) through the eyes and experiences of a tutor who is originally from the region or has a strong connection to it.

Given in Italian and English, this special workshop is for everybody. Just come along to absorb La Dolce Vita, il Bel Paese and la Divina Lingua.

Cities of the Piemonte, Umbria, Valle d’Aosta, Trentino Alto Adige and Lazio regions will be the upcoming jewels to be discovered.

Dates (bimonthly, first Sunday): April, June, September, November
Time: 15:30-16:30
Level: For all levels. Students will be grouped according to their knowledge of Italian. The workshop will be given both in Italian and English.

Fee: £21

Please contact us for further information.

Italian Opera Club (online)

Opera as an Art form has contributed enormously to the shaping of Italian worldwide cultural legacy with composers as Donizetti, Rossini, Verdi and Puccini

Dates (bimonthly, first Friday): March, May, July, October
Time: 18:30-19:30

Level: For all levels. The workshop will be given both in Italian and English.
Fee: £21

Please contact us for further information.

Writing Workshop

Improve your written Italian

The small group sessions will exclusively focus on written Italian. Each session is charged for 1 hour, half an hour of which will be spent with a tutor to work on pre-task activities, explore the building blocks of good writing and spelling exercises ("ortografia"). In each Zoom meeting the tutor will assign a different essay for the students to write at home and which will be individually corrected (hence the other 30 minutes of the hour). The tutor will help to identify areas for writing and structure development, with corrections and explanation of any grammar/spelling mistakes to enrich your vocabulary.

The essays will deal with different types of writing (creative writing, letters/emails, stories, reviews) and will be an invaluable help for CILS exam candidates, GCSE & A' level Italian students, or simply for anybody who likes to write and knows they would benefit from language inputs and advice to write in a foreign language.

Also the following aspects will be dealt with: Punctuation & Spelling

Duration: 30 minutes per session + 30 minutes homework assignment
Location: Online
Next dates: TBC
Fee: £21 (per session)

Improve your written Italian for exams – Special Edition

Especially ideal for all CILS candidates who would like to improve their written skills and get familiarised with the written part of the CILS exams, the workshop will focus on past papers practice and how to compose and address written complaints, job applications and request information in Italian. Also the following aspects will be dealt with:

  • Paragraph structure
  • Proofreading
  • Adding variety to your sentences.
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Online
Dates: TBC
Fee: £24 (per session)
Please contact us for further information.

History of Italian Food and Cuisine (online)

1 Title, 2 aims, 2 dates

A gastronomic journey through Italy, its culture and its history. 6 meetings on the History of Italian Food and Cooking.

From Tirami su to Pastiera, from Grana Padano to Cotoletta alla Milanese from Pizza to Gelato, from Neapolitan Babà to Lombard Panettone, we're about to take an exciting journey through the culinary wonders of Italy. From the exquisite wines of Veneto to the delectable sweets of Sicily, we'll guide you through a flavourful exploration. Each lesson will delve into the historical context, taking you on a virtual tour of Italy's rich food and wine heritage. With captivating stories, fascinating titbits, vivid images, and lively language, you're in for a mouthwatering experience that will transport you to Italy's glorious past. Get ready to discover that in Italy, cuisine is more than just food – it's a rich tapestry of culture and history that's sure to make your taste buds tingle!

Whether you are an Italian or English speaker and you would exclusively like to focus on the cultural aspect of the topic, this is the date for you. The History of Italian Food and Cuisine will have a talk/seminar format and will be followed by a short Q&A session.

The workshop will be given online only in Italian.
If your aim is to improve your Italian language skills without sacrificing the cultural aspect of it, this is the date for you. The History of Italian Food and Cuisine will be delivered in Italian to all levels (apart from Absolute Beginners) from Beginners+ to Advanced, and there will be activities with a focus on both the Italian language and culture.

The workshop will be given online both in Italian and English.

Speaker and tutor: Samuele MacFadden


Please contact us for further information.

We have a wide range of tuition methods, and employ enthusiastic, qualified and fully trained teachers to design training courses and deliver efficient language training in-house.

After an initial consultation with your company covering your current proficiency in Italian (if applicable) and your specific needs and objectives, we will put together the most suitable language programme, including a feedback and assessment schedule for your consideration.

Tuition fees:

In person
Based on minimum of 9 hours paid in advance:
1 Student: £46 p.h.
2 Students: £50 p.h. (shared between students)
3 Students: £54 p.h. (shared between students)
4+ Students - we can offer competitive group rates

Based on minimum of 9 hours paid in advance:
1 Student: £43 p.h.
2 Students: £47 p.h. (shared between students)
3 Students: £51 p.h. (shared between students)
4+ Students - we can offer competitive group rates

NOTE: Travel expenses are applicable for in-person lessons.
Contact us
(1-to-1 or small group) allows you greater flexibility in learning and can more easily focus on the areas of interest or importance to you. Our tutors come to your office or home, or can teach you online.

Tuition fees:
In-person (F2F) and Online
No of students Lessons paid
(per hour)
6 hours or more
paid in advance
(per hour)
1 £44 £42  
2 £48 £46 (total shared between students)
3 £54 £51 (total shared between students)
  1. All F2F lessons subject to a minimum 1½ hours per lesson for in-person tuition unless otherwise agreed.
  2. All Online lessons subject to a minimum 1 hour per lesson for online tuition unless otherwise agreed.

NOTE: For face-to-face (in person) tuition within London Zones 1 & 2, there is a flat-rate charge of £6 per lesson to cover the tutor's travel expenses. If you require tuition outside Zones, or outside the London travel zones, please notify us of this and we will be happy to quote the appropriate rate for travel.

Contact us

We offer private one-to-one tuition to your son or daughter to prepare them for their Italian GCSE, IB or A-level. We have experience with both the AQA and EDEXCEL curricula and aim to help your child achieve a top grade.

Tuition is on a one-to-one basis, and the lessons can all be face-to-face or a combination of this and online video lessons.

If your child is aiming for a top grade in their Italian exam, please contact us for an assessment and to discuss further.
Fees: At your home:
No of students Lessons paid
(per hour)
6 hours or more
paid in advance
(per hour)
1 £50 £48  
2 £54 £52 (total shared between students)
3 £58 £56 (total shared between students)
No of students Lessons paid
(per hour)
6 hours or more
paid in advance
(per hour)
1 £50 £48  
2 £54 £52 (total shared between students)
3 £58 £56 (total shared between students)
NOTE: All tuition subject to a minimum 1½ hours per lesson (face-to-face) or 1 hour per lesson (online) unless otherwise agreed.

For face-to-face (in person) tuition within London Zones 1 & 2, there is a flat-rate charge of £6 per lesson to cover the tutor's travel expenses. If you require tuition outside Zones, or outside the London travel zones, please notify us of this and we will be happy to quote the appropriate rate for travel.
Book Exam Tuition
Italian tuition for children

Italian for Kids (Online and F2F)

Italians love children and your kids will love the Italian language! Our classes are taught using games, songs, and engaging activities that will immerse them in a second language - whilst having fun! We offer both private individual or group lessons or in-school classes (as an extra-curricular "Italian Club"). If you think your child's school might be interested in having an Italian Club, please let us know and we can contact them to discuss organising one.

Course fees: Variable depending on the number of students.

Contact us for more information

Italian Kids Club

4 consecutive weekly sessions
Dates: from Saturday 1 March
Time: 10:30-12:00

Level: For all levels. Students will be grouped according to their knowledge of Italian.
Venue: Marylebone
Fee for an individual session: £20

Contact us for more information

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